... that means Tuesday in German.
Addendum to the pie shop disappointment - I wouldn't have (I am pretty sure) gotten pie. The doctor was quite firm about my need to lose weight and there's something about the doctor saying it. I've had pie in Pie Town before, too, though. This blunted the sharp pang of disappointment. When I was here a couple of years ago, I tried the pie at the dog-friendly Pie-O-Neer. Covid drove them out of business, sadly. This visit, not gonna lie, I seriously considered trying the pie from the only remaining pie shop in Pie Town. Alas, the magic goddess of carbohydrates was watching out for me by making sure I was there on the one day a week that it is closed.
Anyway, I did my meetings, started rolling... did the math and realized I needed new plans. I'd stop and google a bit. Couldn't decide what I wanted to do, so kept rolling. Stop again. Ultimately I decided to go to Fredericksburg. Emme had gone a couple of times and really raved about the place. It's an early German settlement and still has the flavor of a German village. Why not? It's close enough to on my way. Called ahead, got three nights reserved and pushed hard. Arrived a little after midnight, did the bare minimum of setup and fell into bed. No pics, just drove and drove and drove.
First thing I noticed is that I definitely crossed the humidity line that runs somewhere through Texas. People around here are complaining of the heat and at 84F it felt like cool spring breezes to me. The humidity hits my skin and hair like the soft caress of a long missed lover.
Nice to be here for three days.