Boston for the kids, Lisa and Keith for me

I ended up in downtown Boston - 'combat zone' - in my stupidly inappropriately big rig. I meant to drop the kids at a suburban M stop outside Boston but it didn't work out (or I was tricked.) So got into the more touristy area and dropped them off.  Then I drove down toward Plymouth to my campground. It was my worst campground yet, but it was still pretty in its way. Anyway, I set up camp, did the laundry, then drove the hour over to Providence.

My dear friends Lisa and Keith have three homes and I've now hung out with them at all three!  Their lovely place in Rhode Island is this close to the water.  That's not her house (wow, that would be even better) but that's the view down her street to the water, so close by!

It was a stormy day ... this flock of birds caught my eye.
Then stepping out to the beach.
Where we found this skeleton ... what do you suppose it is?
Beautiful surf crashing. The two f them train for triathlons by swimming in this water. Keith is getting really good and Lisa is the best swimmer I've ever known.

Here we are, enjoying our walk and our wine. :) <3

Keith cooked swordfish and Lisa made yummy veggie side dishes and there was a fire in the fire pit and we ate out in their little outdoor patio. It was wonderful, but over too soon. The kids called and were heading to the train to take it south of the city. It was 10p anyway so time to go. I zipped off to pick them up and we all headed back to the campground. Next morning it is up and packup. I don't think I took a single picture of the campground. I was not happy with it. But #nowhining


Boating with Brad

