Dateline Aug 22, 2021 - Grand Teton National Park
Campground is a little crowded but peaceful and enough space between. View of the Grand Tetons out one window and a meadow full of horses out the other.
Setup included some infrequent tasks —oiling steps and jacks, swapping out the propane tank, filling the empty one. Then piled the dogs back into the car and just drove around the park and into the touristy town of Jackson. I don’t feel any compulsion to spend time in town, but it was interesting to drive through. I always dreamed of coming here to ski - maybe I still will someday.
Anyway, the park was nice but crowded in some places. Of course it was the weekend, Sunday. I have become slightly terrified of hiking because of all the bear warning signs and the admonishments not to hike alone. Reckon I’ll find a popular, crowded trailhead and follow closely along with some others. Which is not my bliss, but I can do it and I don’t mind seeming stalkery.
Despite warnings to start early to avoid the crowds, I cannot. I have work that must be done. So my plan is to head into the park around noon or a little later. I found the visitor center that I want to go in, because it has information I want to see and because it is the beginning of a part of the bike trail I’d like to try. I figure out on the paved bike trail I may be safer from bear … and I can get out of the way faster! The trail is loaded with glorious views. Of course I will have to go out and back … so I figure to pedal for an hour or so, then just turn around. But it should be astoundingly beautiful and pleasantly cool and I do so look forward to it.
After my driving tour, This is how sunset looked as I was turning in off the highway into the campground.