Beer, burn and brussels sprouts
The drive to my next Harvest Host location was across that section of the I-10 in Louisiana that is all causeway over cypress swamp. It’s amazing how long it continues. I wish I had set my odometer but I bet I drove above that water for an hour, so impressed I took through-the-windshield shots.
Arriving in the early afternoon, I found a quiet corner to set up. I appreciate these HH locations, for sure. I love saving the money and I enjoy going in and partaking of the meal or the beers. But it’s not a pretty campground to enjoy, no real place to hike with the dogs, just a place to settle and work or write. This far corner should have been private enough to run my generator. See picture. Alas it was not, see below picture.
The food was pretty good—interesting. I had a brussels sprouts dish with a slightly spicy sauce, a sprinkling of an herb I don’t know and a drizzle of horse radish and enjoyed it very much. I also got the Korean fish tacos and those were nice, too, but I didn’t eat them like a taco because it would be too much food. The fish, the kimchee-like cabbage and sauce were lovely. The preview picture on this post is my food and beer.
The beers were another story. I’m not a great one for a brewery because everyone in the world seems to be in love with the pale ales and IPAs and I don’t care for them. They taste like grapefruit juice to me and I don’t really like grapefruit juice. My choices for my flight of beers were therefore probably not the ones this brewery takes the most pride in. And they weren’t very good. The Scottish stout was, as those always are, flat. One amber appealed to me and it’s the only one I finished. A raspberry sour — fun for a sip or two. Then a gingerbread lager that … also fun for a sip or two, I guess.
I emerged from my meal to a world blanketed in the sweet smell of burning sugar cane. I looked it up on the local news—a controlled burn. It didn’t bother me once I settled into the camper. I ran the generator for a bit, then turned it off and let the battery in my computer run down before I went to sleep. Unfortunately two other HH patrons arrived in the evening and that meant in the morning I didn’t feel I could run the generator and with a completely dead battery I could neither work nor write.
I cut up some strawberries and made crepes. Then I took out all the vegetables and cleaned them up and made a salad, latching it into my salad storage bowl, so that’s ready for later. Then I packed up and left, out of chores or entertainments. A half-hour West on the I-10 and I crossed the Texas State Line. Pulled into the rest area and set up the generator. It isn’t noticed among the truck drivers also running their engines or generators. I re-opened the propane for heat and to keep the fridge running, plugged in and started the generator—and here I am, updating the blog.
Hanging at the Texas line rest stop.